Our customized leadership training and development approach is ideal for agile, innovative and results-focused companies that require a unique approach to developing their leaders. Often, in these cutting-edge environments, individual contributors are promoted to management roles based on their technical abilities and may not have the skills to lead teams to find their full potential.

We help our clients to design and tailor the content and the delivery to their specific needs.

The series offers 20 modules to select from, each developing one competency; within a three-hour session. Modules are selected based on identified skill gaps, desired organization culture, future capability requirements and emergent business needs. Clients can select one module to develop one skill or as many modules as required to support the desired development outcome. Programs are taught in person or virtual, with post-program assignments after each module to provide people leaders with the opportunity to practice the skill learned in real-world scenarios. Leaders are also encouraged to stay in touch with each other in-between sessions and share their learnings utilizing internal communication tools.

Leadership Mastery Series

Leadership Mastery People Leadership Track

Leadership Mastery Professional Leadership Track

Want to know more about our programs?

For program details, outlines and prices, please contact us at info@fullcircleconnections.ca