Leaders are the architects of your organization’s cultural blueprint that guides the collective identity, behaviours and values, shaping the very essence of how people collaborate, innovate, and drive together toward the desired results.

At Full Circle Connections Inc., we offer a comprehensive range of programs designed to develop and support your leaders to meet your organization’s unique nuances, challenges and goals. With our turnkey training programs or custom solutions, we can build a curriculum that is right for you.

Leadership Programs

Our programs are designed to align with your organization’s unique needs, goals and cultural influences. Our instructor-led workshops can be delivered virtually or in person, in multiple days, full-day, half-day or one-hour formats.

Select from a comprehensive suite of ready-to-use programs designed to effectively up-skill your leaders.

Individual Contributor Programs

At Full Circle Connections Inc. we believe that individual contributors are the foundation of every successful business. Our tailored training programs are designed to empower these key players, helping them hone their skills, expand their knowledge base, and reach their full potential. Our approach combines interactive learning with real-world scenarios and are instructor-led. With the availability of virtual, in-person, and hybrid formats, our programs span from brief 2-hour sessions to immersive full-day workshops, designed to align with your organization’s requirements. We aim to provide the resources and knowledge individual contributors need to not only excel in their current roles but also pave the way for future career growth.

Why use Full Circle Connections Inc., as your source for Everything DiSC® Products?

  • We offer Subaccounts to our practitioners and organizations who want easy access and flexibility in how they use the tools.

  • As an Everything DiSC® Authorized Partner, we can supply you with the full suite of Everything DiSC® Products, including all you need to facilitate your own programs.

  • We can facilitate a virtual session for you with our certified facilitators.

  • We can provide you with access to ‘Everything DiSC® on Catalyst™’ – an easy to use learning platform that can be used anytime, anywhere by individuals in your organization.

The Everything Disc® Application Suite

Want to know more about our programs?

For program details, outlines and prices, please contact us at info@fullcircleconnections.ca